Semarang, 26 January 2024 – After only 4 days of serving as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University 2024-2029, Prof. Dr. Jamari, ST, MT immediately step on to collaborate with the Yogyakarta Veterans National Development University (UPN) Faculty of Mineral Technology (FTM). The signing procession of the Cooperation Agreement in developing the Tridharma of Higher Education – which was attended directly by Dr. Ir. Sutarto, MT as Dean of FTM UPN Veteran Yogyakarta – held in the Theater Room, 3rd Floor, Prof. Building. Ir. Eko Budihardjo FT UNDIP on Thursday, January 25 2024 at 14.00 WIB. Some dean officials who enthusiastically participated in the signing event included Prof. Dr. Nat. tech. Siswo Sumardiono, ST, MT as Dean Deputy for Academic and Student Affairs, FT UNDIP, Dr. Eng. Gunawan Dwi Aryadi as Head of the Cooperation Management Unit, and Wasto, SE as Sub Supervisor of Academic and Student Affairs Section. On the first visit to UNDIP, the Dean of FTM UPN Veteran Yogyakarta was accompanied by Ir. Ediyanto, MT, Oktavia Dewi Alfiani, ST, MT, Dessy Apriyanti, ST, M.Eng, and Dr. Suprapto, S.Pd., M.Si.
Even though he served as Chair of LPPM UNDIP for no less than 7 years, Prof. Dr. Jamari, ST, MT seems to really know several of the lecturers in the Department of Geodetic Engineering, FT UNDIP, especially M. Awaluddin, ST, MT and Dr. Yudo Prasetyo, ST, MT. In his speech, the Dean of FT UNDIP really appreciated the agreement initiated by the Department of Geodetic Engineering of FT UNDIP. Prof. Jamari felt “honoured” by the willingness of a legendary university in the field of geology and mining to collaborate with Faculty of Engineering of UNDIP. Prof. Jamari, who is often called Gus Jam or Prof. Jam shared his experience when he was still an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering at ITB. Gus Jam said that during practical work at the mining site , almost all of those working at the mining site were graduates or students of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. In particular, Prof. Jamari encouraged this agreement to pave the way for the Department of Geological Engineering FT UNDIP to learn from each other in the fields of geology and mining, the Department of Mechanical Engineering to collaborate on research on mining exploration and exploitation equipment, the Department of Chemical Engineering to develop education and research in the field of metallurgy. Prof. Jamari hoped that the cooperation agreement that had been made would be the first step to “working together” so that FT UNDIP and FTM UPN Veteran Yogyakarta can contribute to each other.
At the event, Dr. Ir. Sutarto, MT told about the progress of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, which was founded in 1958. “Currently, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta has study programs that provide human resources in the mining sector, from upstream to downstream,” he said. In the friendly session, Ir. Ediyanto, MT as one of the senior lecturers at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta really hopes for research collaboration that combines the science of geodesy/geomatics with geology to study disaster problems comprehensively.
At the end of the warm and friendly event, the Chair of the Geodetic Engineering Department, FT UNDIP, emphasized the importance of collaboration between the Geodetic and Geomatics Engineering study programs in Indonesia. Dr. L. M. Sabri, ST, MT – who is an alumnus of the S1 Geodetic Engineering at ITENAS Bandung – gave an example of how the Geodetic Engineering Department of UNDIP grew and developed with lecturers from various backgrounds. Undergraduate Study Program of Geodetic Engineering of UNDIP is supported by lecturers who graduated from Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang, Universitas Padjajaran, National Cheng Kung University Taiwan, École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’État France, and Universitas Diponegoro. Dr. LM Sabri emphasized the importance of accommodating study programs from undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral, vocational, diploma, to undergraduate levels to challenge technological and scientific disruption in the fields of geodesy and geomatics. He invited UPN Veteran Yogyakarta to join the Association of Indonesian Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Higher Education Providers or APPTEGGI which will be launched around mid-2024 to create synergistic collaboration and mutual benefits.